Productive and Profitable Activities for the New Year
Happy New Year!
Get 2024 off to a great start with some productive and profitable activities, such as:
Quickly an...
Make it Easy to Purchase Retail Items
Make it easy to purchase retail items. This not only generates additional revenue for your business, it also provides...
Great Tool for Creating all your Compensation Plans
Employee head count and compensation costs are a fundamental part of business planning and budgeting for next year. T...
Guest and Media Tours
How often do potential clients or media/influencers request tours of spas, salons, wellness centres or hotels? It's l...
Team Performance
Regular communication between employees is critical to maintain high team performance at work. We recommend a variety...
The Importance of Pace
During my Mystery Shops, I've continuously experienced an issue which could easily be resolved - therapists need to s...
Intelligent Spas Nominated for Two Awards
We were thrilled to be nominated for two awards in the Asia Pacific Spa and Wellness Coalition's Inaugural Awards Ce...
The Value of an Employee Handbook
This time of year, many people are changing jobs so keeping a continuous flow of work activities, in particular with ...
How to Maximise Retail Revenue
How do you empower even your shyest employees to maximise retail revenue? Simply link retail items to the customer ex...
Important SOPs for Happy Customers
Recently, I was excited to see magazines back in my local salon - the first time in a couple of years and a welcome s...
New Package - HRM, Recruitment and Compensation Manuals Package
Our new HRM, Recruitment and Compensation Package includes three of our most popular Manuals which are ideal for help...
Add Value and Up Sell
What is the difference?
More individual treatment protocols are now available for download to help you introduce new ...