The Year of the Snake is said to be a great time to:
- Reflect on your goals
- Let go of old habits
- Enjoy personal and professional growth
- Prioritise health and self care
- Plan systematic transformation
- Welcome new opportunities
- Make thoughtful decisions
Imagine if you took a few minutes each day to focus on these seven actions, where would you and your business or career be by the end of the year?
Please contact me to discover how I can help you... I offer Mentoring, Custom Projects and Onboarding Services to fast-track your progress and productivity.
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- Spa Operations and Treatments Manuals Package
- Salon Operations and Treatments Manuals Package
- Hammam Experience Procedure
- Premium Foot Bath Ritual Procedure
- Standard Deep Cleanse Facial Treatment Procedure
- Pregnancy Massage Procedure
- Standard Massage Procedure
- Scalp Massage Procedure
- Foot Pressure Massage Procedure
- Spa Consultant Toolkit Package - 3 Manuals
- Spa Consultant Toolkit Package - 5 Manuals
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