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Enhance Your Performance in 2025!

Happy New Year!

Why we use the phrase “enhance” your performance – it can be daunting to review your business and make changes, with the key activities being staff training and updating procedures. So we’ve made it easy to “enhance” sections of your business at your own pace, with a variety of topical, step-by-step Manuals, which help you complete such tasks quickly and effectively, without the overwhelm.


"It’s a phenomenal training tool! Spa Sessions allowed me to confidently look after the business training needs..."


I also offer Mentoring Sessions and Custom Projects, so please reach out to request a no-obligation Discovery Call to discuss your ideas and find out how I could potentially help you.


"Julie provided some of the most actionable feedback I have ever heard..."


Consultants may also use our resources to help improve their clients' businesses, or if you are considering becoming a consultant, our resources will fast-track your business set up and describe how to attract clients quickly - check out our Spa Consultant Toolkits.


"Julie Garrow was an absolute pleasure to work with and exceeded our expectations..."

"I have always found Intelligent Spas' Manuals indeed relevant to operations, practical, very useful and helpful. I highly recommend them..."


You may review all of our client testimonials here.


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