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SOP Sample

Spa Operations Manual Sample

Intelligent Spas' comprehensive SOP Manual helps spa businesses raise service standards, improve customer satisfaction, create and maintain spa ambience, implement employee training and reduce costs associated with waste and inefficient processes. It covers Client Interaction and Service Standards, Housekeeping and Spa Presentation, Human Resources Management and Employee Handbook. Request a free Sample to learn how this resource could enhance your performance…

Body Scrub Sample
Body Scrub Sample

Intelligent Spas' Detailed Body Scrub Procedure

Our detailed Body Scrub Procedure demonstrates how “Highly Consistent” Treatment Procedures can reduce training costs, allow faster time to market for spas in the pre-opening phase, enable easier treatment delivery for multi-skilled therapists, increase client loyalty and result in higher employee retention from a more enjoyable workplace. This protocol is extracted from our Professional Spa Treatments Manual. Request your free copy of our full Body Scrub Procedure to learn how this resource could enhance your performance…

Massage Gateway Sample

Spa Sessions Team Meetings Training Manuals Sample

Engage, motivate and retain your employees via intriguing and thought-provoking spa team meetings - the Spa Sessions are authored by reputable international spa consultant, Naomi Gregory and aim to encourage employees to openly discuss how the spa business could be improved, which generates loyalty and employee satisfaction as well as better overall performance of the spa business.

Request your free copy of 6 Spa Sessions relevant to these challenging times and learn how this resource will enhance your performance…

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